I adore NewEgg, so it comes as no surprise that their Mother's Day advertising makes me so very happy. Ok, the font is pink, and so is that camera, but I can let that go. I'm much happier about the items they are actually pushing, which traditionally you wouldn't see until Father's Day.
Case in point: the Toshiba 32' LED-LCD tv. Most advertisers would insist that good ol' Mom couldn't use this no matter how hard she tried; it's just way over her head. For those of us with normal mothers (who just happened to run the AV club in middle school), we know that plugging a DVD player and a cable jack into a panel is not impossible. So kudos to NewEgg for assuming our Mom's know their AVs and USBs.
But my favorite part? No cleaning machines! Not a vacuum, iron or carpet shampooer to be seen! Actually, no beauty tech either, beside an electric toothbrush (shown in the email flier, not the linked site).
Their advertising slant is for the "Tech-savvy Mom," and the actual text explains that this is not an anomaly; this is just a normal Mom, who long ago stopped vacuuming in pearls and started firing up her PS3 to watch Rescue Me on Netflix (utterly addictive, btw).
So thank you, NewEgg, for not only assuming our mothers have reasonable IQs but also for pointing out by comparison the outdated crap-vertising other companies use based on models that were outdated 20 years ago.
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